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Opening hours

Opening hours for Clapham & Patching Village Hall blocks.opening-hours.times
Monday 08:00 — 23:00
Tuesday 08:00 — 23:00
Wednesday 08:00 — 23:00
Thursday 08:00 — 23:00
Friday 08:00 — 00:00
Saturday 08:00 — 00:00
Sunday 08:00 — 23:00

The Village Hall Committee

Clapham & Patching Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Registered Charity no. 271304 – is managed on behalf of the residents of the two villages by a committee of six elected members, plus appointed representatives of specified village organisations. 
The Committee elects the Chair from among its members;  the Treasurer and Secretary, also appointed by the Committee, may or may not be Committee members. 
All Committee members are Trustees of the Charity; they hold office for 12 months, and (if they are elected members) may stand for re-election at the next AGM.
The Committee organises regular events in the Hall, to raise money for its continued upkeep and improvement as well as to make it possible to continue to offer reduced hire charges to village residents and societies.

Committee Members

  • Chairperson: Rick Romero
  • Treasurer: Paul Milner
  • Secretary : Pauline Prior
  • Members: Roy Hogan, Melanie Lloyd
  • Village Organisation Representatives: Gail Smith, Marjorie Rainford

  • Building maintenance: John Best/Richard Prior
  • Booking Clerk: Claire Moss
  • Grounds maintenance: Colin Ramsbotham

Meetings Meetings are held quarterly. The Annual General Meeting is held in October. Contact Bookings Clerk for dates.

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